Ten Weeks
Hello lovelies,
I don't have time for a real post, because we're nearing the end of Maude's mid-morning nap, so I've got to be brief. Life with a newborn/infant is both really hard and really boring. It's really hard because it's a relentless cycle: feed, change, comfort, rock to sleep, work on tenure dossier like a madwoman in hour increments while she sleeps, feed, change, comfort . . . And it's really boring because she's only awake and cheerful briefly, so it's like a long hike with no payoff at the top because you only get to barely glimpse the view before you have to start back down the mountain, which you then climb again the next day. Does that make sense? But I hear that three months is a magical time and that she'll become more and more of a little person and less of a suffering little creature. Which is not to say that I don't adore her, because I do--she's a peppery little elven thing.
What I'm really here for is to post some pictures.
Here she is as an intense two week old:

Smiling big at exactly one month:

Grinning at exactly one month:

(I love this one!)
Staring at the love of her life, her Tiny Love mobile:

Rocking what is my very favorite Maude outfit right now:

Here's what she looks like when we start out on our walks:

This is what we look like three minutes later, after she starts screaming, because she hates her stroller and prefers to be worn in a sling (better work out for me, as a bonus):

Sleeping. (When she wears her sleep sack she looks like a civilian extra on Star Trek. You know how they always wear romper-type outfits?):

Goofing off with Sfrajett:

And finally, what she looked like last week. Happy, chubby, sweet little girl:
(photobucket is being stupid, and not letting me paste this in this smaller and turned around. By the time you see it, maybe the changes will be in effect.)
I don't have time for a real post, because we're nearing the end of Maude's mid-morning nap, so I've got to be brief. Life with a newborn/infant is both really hard and really boring. It's really hard because it's a relentless cycle: feed, change, comfort, rock to sleep, work on tenure dossier like a madwoman in hour increments while she sleeps, feed, change, comfort . . . And it's really boring because she's only awake and cheerful briefly, so it's like a long hike with no payoff at the top because you only get to barely glimpse the view before you have to start back down the mountain, which you then climb again the next day. Does that make sense? But I hear that three months is a magical time and that she'll become more and more of a little person and less of a suffering little creature. Which is not to say that I don't adore her, because I do--she's a peppery little elven thing.
What I'm really here for is to post some pictures.
Here she is as an intense two week old:

Smiling big at exactly one month:

Grinning at exactly one month:

(I love this one!)
Staring at the love of her life, her Tiny Love mobile:

Rocking what is my very favorite Maude outfit right now:

Here's what she looks like when we start out on our walks:

This is what we look like three minutes later, after she starts screaming, because she hates her stroller and prefers to be worn in a sling (better work out for me, as a bonus):

Sleeping. (When she wears her sleep sack she looks like a civilian extra on Star Trek. You know how they always wear romper-type outfits?):

Goofing off with Sfrajett:

And finally, what she looked like last week. Happy, chubby, sweet little girl:
(photobucket is being stupid, and not letting me paste this in this smaller and turned around. By the time you see it, maybe the changes will be in effect.)