As promised
If you're not already a reader, my GF, Sfrajett, has a thoughtful, detailed account of the birth. I love her writing and am so happy to have her account on hand, since all I really remember is the darkness of the room, the interminable ticking of the clock, and how sick I was of Brothers and Sisters after I had finished an entire dvd's worth of shows. Stupid pretty people.
Also, my link to Luches didn't work in the last post. Try this.
Here's a little bit o' Maude:
Also, my link to Luches didn't work in the last post. Try this.
Here's a little bit o' Maude:

omg: how fricken sweet. as you can see, i keep trolling in hopes of more photos. so keep them coming!
how are you feeling? catching naps sometimes i hope.
She's beautiful!! Congratulations!
wow... shes so pretty. thanks for the comment on the floppy vs. strong. I'll try to keep that in mind. It is wise wise advice.
She's adorable! Congratulations to you both!
Welcome to the world, and the blogoverse, Maude!
CONGRATULATIONS and it does my nostalgic heart good to know that her name is MAUDE. How perfect. My love to all 3 of you.
Hurrah for you! Congratulations, and thanks for the photos and narrative. She's a beautiful baby.
She is cute and beautiful! Congratulations! Keep sharing the experience!
This is Joshua from Israeli Uncensored News
نقدم اليوم افضل شركات التنظيف على الاطلاق و هم كالتالى شركة تنظيف خزانات من اجل تنظيف الخزانات و ازاله جميع الرواسب التى تتراكم بها و شركة تنظيف موكيت على اعلى مستوى و شركة تنظيف شقق باحدث معدات التنظيف و شركة جلى رخام و تنظيفه على اعلى مستوى و كذلك شركة مكافحة حشرات و ابادتها دون عودة وباقل التكاليف التى تناسب الجميع
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